Human Resources Strategy for Researchers

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Action plan

Action plan

Última modificación
Tue , 30/04/2024 - 01:09

Over the last few years we have been developing the action plan that was submitted to the European Commission in response to the internal analysis we carried out in 2017, which is presented in the Strategy page, and that led to an updated action plan in 2019, which is also shown there. In the coming years there are a number of actions that we want to deploy and that have been chosen from those that appeared in a new gap analysis that was developed in our University during May 2022, and that are linked below with a timetable for completion. They are also based on the results of the survey carried out to researchers of our University in the same month, the OTM-R analysis that was also developed (linked in the OTM-R page) and the renewal of some actions that were indicated in both the previous action plan and status report and that were not fully developed in this period. 

After the on-site assessment review in October 2023, all these documents have become outdated and pending on a new gap analysis of the HR policy of our University, that will take place in the next weeks through our survey

Related documentation

This section shows the documents that provide information on the self-assessment process and the actions carried out and to be carried out in the coming months.