UNIZAR researchers' immersion in the HRS4R strategy
Since 2017, the University of Zaragoza has the HR seal of scientific excellence in human resources. To disseminate this fact, as well as the human resources strategy for the HRS4R research staff of our University, the Vice-Rectorate for Science Policy has organised 6 sessions of approximately one hour in different centres of our University, which will be held throughout the month of March and dates will be available for Huesca and Teruel after Easter.
The aim of these sessions is to disseminate what the HRS4R strategy has meant for our institution and the obtaining of the seal in recent years, what we are going to do in the following months, to show the open communication channels and to collect the opinions and comments of the research staff present.
Any researcher from any speciality, Institute or Faculty and at any level (from pre-doctoral to permanent faculty) can attend any of the sessions. Early Career Researchers are particularly encouraged to attend the sessions to learn about and contribute their views on the strategy.
Schedule of sessions:
- 12th March at 10:30 a.m. Faculty of Science: Sala de Grados, Ed.A
- 14 March at 10:00 a.m. Faculty of Philosophy and Arts: Sala de Juntas, Ed.
- 18 March at 9:30 a.m. Faculty of Economics and Business: Lecture Hall
- 21 March at 10:00 Faculty of Medicine: Seminar 9 Ed.B
- 22 March at 9:30 a.m. Faculty of Veterinary Medicine: Aula 6, Central Building.
- 25 March at 10:00 EINA: Sala de Grados, Ed.Torres Quevedo
- 30 May at 11:00 Campus Huesca, ed. Vice-rectorate
- 3 June at 12:00 Campus Teruel, ed. Vice-rectorate