Strategy UNIZAR
The HRS4R human resources strategy for researchers is based on four main pillars:

This strategy is ultimately part of a process of continuous improvement that requires the involvement of the institution's researchers for the proper implementation of action plans that must be based on evidence obtained from gap analysis and be ambitious and consistent with the institution's own policy, adapting to current legislation and operations.
The process
On 22 April 2015, the University of Zaragoza unanimously approved in its Governing Council the adhesion to the Charter and Code of Recruitment of Researchers. Following the appointment of the new Rector Magnificent of the University of Zaragoza, Mr José Antonio Mayoral Murillo and his new Governing Team, a boost is given to the implementation of the Human Resources Strategy for Researchers HRS4R of the University of Zaragoza. To achieve this objective, the University of Zaragoza approved the appointment of a Technical Committee at the Governing Board meeting held on 31 May 2016, composed of a multidisciplinary team of researchers and staff with responsibilities in Human Resources at our University.

The Technical Committee acts as the main Working Group for the HRS4R strategy in the University of Zaragoza, and its responsibilities are to define the main lines of the strategy, including the gap analysis definition, action plan proposal, helps in the involvement of the researchers and also monitor the whole process. This Technical Committee, designated by the Rector, is overseen by the Management Committee of the University that acts as the HRS4R Steering Committee. The Task Team is a subgroup of the Technical Committee responsible for the day-to-day work of the strategy. There is also a Research Institutes Delegates Committee that helps the Technical Committee in the implementation and Communications of the strategy, and has one representative in the Technical Committee.
The Technical Committee has been reinforced in 2024 and has the following members:
- Vice-Rector for Science Policy. Rosa Bolea (R4) -
- Vice-Rector for Teaching Staff, (or person delegated by him). Ismael Jiménez (R4) -
- Vice-Managing Director for Research. Raquel Rodríguez -
- Vice-Managing Director for Human Resources, (or person delegated by him). Ángel Pascual -
- Director of the International Research Projects Secretariat. Nacho Garcés (R4) -
- Representative of IUI Directors. Alberto Molina (R4) -
- Representative of IUI delegates. Irene Pérez Ibarra (R3) -
- Director of the OPE. Pilar Calatayud -
- Director of GESPI. Ana Machín -
- Director of Services Inspection, (or person delegated by her). Isabel Luengo -
- EURAXESS office staff. Carolina Rodriguez -
- Researcher R1. Tomás Berriel -
- Researcher R2. Cristina Mamblona -
- Researcher R3. Ana Rúa -
- Researcher R4. Rafael Domingo -
- Representative of non-Unizar researchers. Filomena Silva, ARAID researcher (R4) -
The process that the University of Zaragoza has followed from the signing of the institutional commitment to the present time is summarized in the following image:

After the last face-to-face evaluation, carried out in October 2023, a series of aspects to improve within our strategy have been detected and which have led to the need to generate a new action plan in our University, for which a new survey was designed to give rise to a new gap analysis. The results of the survey can be found here, and they are the basis for the development of the new Action Plan for 2025-2027, which can be found in the Action Plan page.
With this information, the HRS4R Strategy document of the University of Zaragoza has been developed, which is accessible to the entire university community.
Below you can find the different documents that have supported the European Commission's evaluations of our University historically, and which have led to aspects of improvement that have been developed and implemented in the different action plans.
Related documentation:
The documentation shows the main documents generated for the different phases of the HRS4R strategy at the University of Zaragoza prior to the external evaluation phase. It also shows the presentation made to the researchers on proposals for improvement of the strategy in an online meeting held in May 2022
- Internal analysis (April 2017)
- Action plan (April 2017)
- Adapted action plan (May 2019)
- Adapted OTM-R action list (May 2019)
- Self-assessment process (October 2022)
- Actions and timetable (October 2022)
It is also shown the actual strategy document for the 2025-2027 period